
Fretboard Mastery Email Course

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Fretboard Mastery Email Course

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How to Guarantee You Can Know, Name, & Use Every Note on Your Guitar in the Next 21 Days

If you struggle to know the right notes and the right chords to play… if you’re too busy to spend more than 5 minutes mastering the guitar… if you’re fed up with feeling like a stranger on your own fretboard… then this message is just for you. Here’s why…

You see, you can be gliding around the fretboard like you just stepped in butter within the next 21 days. I’m talking about real mastery – the ability to play the perfect chords and notes easily and quickly without a moment’s thought.

And you need to realise, there is a cost to not dealing with this…

If You Put This Off, It Just Gets Worse

What most people do when they want to learn the fretboard, is they sit down and try to memorise the notes. But for most people, that just doesn’t work.

  • They don’t realise that just being able to name the note on any fret doesn’t mean they’ve mastered the fretboard
  • They haven’t learnt the notes in the context of real music or real playing
  • The relationships between the notes are far more important than just knowing the notes – and they aren’t working on that
  • In addition, most guitarists just don’t have the time or the energy to devote more than a few minutes to mastering the fretboard

And what happens if you just do nothing? If you just keep doing what you’ve been doing? More struggle. More frustration. And it will take you more time to learn to play anything – and everything. You won’t remember songs or melodies as well, your improvisations won’t flow like you know they should, and you’ll get frustrated every time you have to transpose a song (or worse, a melody) from one key to another.

How I Can Help You Master The Fretboard in the Next 21 Days

I’ve got an answer that works. Here’s the story:

I’ve seen so many students say they would love to really know the fretboard the way I seem to. But I can’t teach everyone one-to-one.

Even if I could, I charge $50 for a 30-minute lesson – and it would take at least three lessons. That’s $150, and I know not everybody has that.

So I wrote an ebook, called The Creative Guitar Guide to Fretboard Mastery.

I honestly think it’s a great ebook. It hands over everything you need to go out there and truly master the fretboard… but it still wasn’t enough.

You see, I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen a student buy my ebook, start working through it, see some results, and then… crickets. Life gets in the way, like the annoyingly tall guy who always seems to sit in front of you at the cinemas.

And so nothing happens. No progress is made. And you still haven’t mastered the fretboard.

Then I had an idea: “What if I could take you by the hand and show you step-by-step what to do each and every day to master the fretboard? That would take away the difficulty of knowing what to do and when, right?”

“What if you could walk away just 3 weeks later with a solid grasp of all the fundamental principles I gave in my fretboard ebook?”

“And what if you could do this in just 5-10 minutes a day, for just a fraction of the fee it would cost to do this one-on-one… while still getting the benefit of personalized instruction?”

That’s when I created the 21-day Fretboard Mastery Email Course.

It Worked For Me, And It Will Work For You 

Here’s what mastering the fretboard did for me… it helped me learn songs faster… see more connections… improved my musical ear (seriously)… got me my first gig as a guitar teacher… made me the go-to transposer in every single band I was in… made other guitarists look up to me as ‘one of the good ones’… and helped me have more fun, with less time spent figuring things out.

And it’s not just me.

Time and again I’ve seen the mixture of surprise and pure joy on the faces of my students as they unlock the freedom that comes with being able to play all around the neck without pausing for more than a moment.

Finally, It’s Your Turn

When you get the Fretboard Mastery Email Course today, you’ll get the key to…

  • Naming every note on the guitar – and instantly knowing the most important notes around it
  • Transposing songs and melodies without pen and paper, and so fast it’ll look like you’re cheating
  • Seeing intervals on the guitar – not just notes (being able to do this is what sets the studio and stage guitarists apart from the ‘play a few songs at a picnic’ amateur)
  • And you’ll have the foundation you need to play modes, scales, arpeggios, solos, and chords straight from your mind to your guitar – no frustrating ‘middle man’ of trying to work things out. You’ll just know it, instantly.

It all comes as part of the daily lessons you get straight into your inbox when you sign up for the Fretboard Mastery Email Course.

Every day you get an email with that day’s lesson, and clear, easy-to-follow action steps for your 5 minute practice. That’s right – just 5 minutes. Some days you’ll get a video – some days everything you need is right there in your inbox (and inside yourself!). And every day, you’ll know exactly what to do, how to do it, and for how long. And you’ll know why.

And you won’t have to pay anywhere near the $150 it’d cost you to learn this one-on-one.

In fact, you’re not even going to pay the cost of a single lesson.

Because you can get this Email Course for just $47.

That’s less than the cost of a single lesson with me – and just $2.23 a day for lifetime mastery over the fretboard.

Oh, and you’re 100% safe to try this out. Trying it is all I’m suggesting.

Just try it for the full 21 days to see if it works for you. If it does, you’ll be delighted - and I think that’s exactly what’s about to happen.

But if for some reason you’re not delighted with the easy-to-follow, even-easier-to-master daily lessons in fretboard fluency, then just let me know - and you get all your money back, no questions asked.

It’s Decision Time

You have a choice to make:

You can do what you’ve been doing (or worse, do nothing at all).

You know where that will lead. No fretboard fluency. No fun. More frustration. Is that really where you want to go?

Or you can take a new action, and get a new result. You can finally get the comfort, fluency, and mastery over the fretboard you’ve always dreamed about – without any of the headache of trying to plan out each day’s work for yourself.

Which do you really want for yourself? Here’s what to do now… Just click the button that says 'I want this!', fill in your details and you can start your 21-day journey to fretboard mastery – in just 5 minutes a day – as early as right now.

See you on the other side.

Alexander Westenberg

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